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/ Software Vault: The Gold Collection / Software Vault - The Gold Collection (American Databankers) (1993).ISO / cdr28 / netest.zip

Jump To: Text (7)  |  Other (21)

Text (7)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
BATLITE.DOC Text File 351 14KB 1992-03-15
FILE_ID.DIZ Text File 8 353b 1993-06-05
FILES.LST File List 33 2KB 1993-06-05
NEST.BAT DOS Batch File 29 1KB 1993-06-03
NETEST.BAT DOS Batch File 46 1KB 1993-06-03
NETEST.TXT Text File 55 2KB 1993-06-05
REGISTER.TXT Text File 44 2KB 1992-02-27

Other Files (21)
BATLITE.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 17KB 1992-03-15
IPX.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 29KB 1993-06-03
MARKNET.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 11KB 1992-02-14
NE1K2300.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 29KB 1993-06-03
NE1K2320.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 29KB 1993-06-03
NE1K2340.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 29KB 1993-06-03
NE1K3300.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 29KB 1993-06-03
NE1K3320.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 29KB 1993-06-03
NE1K3360.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 29KB 1993-06-03
NE1K4300.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 29KB 1993-06-03
NE1K4340.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 29KB 1993-06-03
NE1K4360.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 29KB 1993-06-03
NE1K5320.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 29KB 1993-06-03
NE1K5340.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 29KB 1993-06-03
NE1K5360.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 29KB 1993-06-03
NE2K2300.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 29KB 1993-06-04
NE2K2320.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 29KB 1993-06-04
NE2K2340.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 29KB 1993-06-04
NET5.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 50KB 1991-04-09
NETEST.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 1KB 1993-06-03
RELNET.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 21KB 1992-02-14